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100 % satisfaction and privacy are guaranteed from naughty professor.Waiting for your replies darling reader @ This is the story about me and my lovely aunt Babita. I was 18 years old at that time, well built owing to the karate classes. Let me describe her she was 28 when I first met her (figure 36-28-36), ravishing beauty ,always draped in saree tied neatly below her navel giving a perfect glimpse to her sexy navel(which made me drive crazy beyond limits)As she was new to the neighborhood she usually comes to my home to meet my mother. She treated me like a younger brother but I had different intentions towards her, whenever she comes and hugs me I used to hug her back tightly making sure I can feel her inviting boobs completely. But she never questioned me.Now coming to the story, as I was having my boards exams those days and had a cousin’s marriage all of my family members left for Pune and mom made Babita promise to take care of me as I was home alone first time. Since her. I was at 20th platform and she got down at 60th platform and called me to meet her. I was in anxiety, to see her first time. I was moving fast from 20th platform to 60th platform. Exactly under the board 60th platform some lady was standing with red chudidar. I ran to her. She was so beautiful and she looked like a student. I asked her “are u Mahi”. She said r u Bhargav. I said yes. She just hugged me tight on the plat form itself. I said “hey this is platform,” and took her bag. Really I was very happy to see Mahi who was so beautiful more than my imagination. Many times she told me you will sure feel so happy and astonish to see my beauty. It was real. Both took one auto. I took her to a very big lodge and we took a double room. We entered the room. Immediately she hugged me tight and kissed me on my lips. I said hey, first fresh up. She rushed to bathroom and came out within 15 mts. Then I went to bathroom brushed and came back. She asked me to order for coffee. I pressed the.
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